Friday, February 8, 2013


You probably have heard about the killer nor'easter snow storm that is bearing down on New England as I write this - here on the Island we are slated to get as much as 18" tonight.  The snow is supposed to start around 6pm, with blizzard white out conditions developing around 8pm, and will continue until around 1pm Saturday. 

*sigh*  Oh, ick.

I really do hate the snow that is so pretty to look at but is such a beast to shovel.  It's easier being retired, and I could just hibernate until it all melts in a month, but I need to get out and if I don't dig myself out the snow will ice over and then I'll really be stuck.  Blech.

But what really scares me is losing electric.  National Grid has taken control of LIPA, but who knows if that's a blessing or a curse?  It's just very scary and super stressful to have to worry about losing power when temperatures are below freezing.  If that happens I will have no choice but to turn on the taps and evacuate to a shelter, which I have never had to do yet and which from what I've heard seems like the most dismal, depressing remedy to stay warm.

So, this is just a heads up that in the event that if I do lose power I will have to be away from running the shop, answering Etsy mail and shipping orders until electric is restored.  Please bear with me if that happens, and please say a prayer and keep your fingers and toes crossed that it doesn't. . 

*sigh*  I so hate winter.

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