Monday, September 3, 2012


Yes, I am still alive.  It's just that I have been unbelievably busy.  I need several clones, at least 5 I think! I haven't even been to the beach once yet this year - and this from the gal who at one time practically lived there and played hooky from work shamelessy in the summer.  Well, a good part of it was the aftermath from that awful fiasco with Helper - I had to start doing all the social networking myself, and that is really time consuming.  Did I mention my laptop died on me?  That was a few days of downtime. But good news!  I found another web application that does almost the same thing, yay!!

I also really wanted to let you all know I have a ton of new items in the shop and until midnight Labor Day (today) everything in the fall and Halloween Section is10% off - so if you're a coupon holder and you need something for the fall season, now is the time!! I have just listed a bunch of limited edition Fall and Halloween themed Pandora style bracelets and bead sets, and soon to come are more bead sets with different colors and some Pandora style bracelets.  And right after that I have to start making things for Christmas (it'll be here before you know it - less than 3 months now!)

Since my last entry over a month ago, (and again, I apologize for such a long delay!) I've been expanding with leather and Shamballa style bracelets.  Plus there have been numerous custom order requests and weddings keeping me busy, too. And the expansion has also created (yay!!) an increase in orders, and since I'm the chief, cook and bottle washer in this venture everything falls to me to do, from ordering supplies to shipping to making - I do it all.  Like I said, I need at least 5 clones!!

Well, I have to go to bed - it's 4:02am now and I'm spent.  I tried to post some photos of the new items but got some weird error that the server is down.  So, you'll just have to get yourselves over to the shop and see what's cooking :-)  and I promise I am going to start blogging again and as regularly as I can.  Thanks to you all who have checked back for new news here only to find nothing, I appreciate your interest and loyalty very much! 

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