First a little background...
As you all know, once upon a time I was selling handmade leather bracelets in the shop - but then they all mysteriously disappeared. What happened was this - because I did not personally make them myself they were violating Etsy Integrity Rules, so 400+ listings had to be deactivated. Someone out there, whom I wish very, very bad karma on, must have notified Etsy. Why? Because the world is full of greedy, jealous of other people's success, pond scum.
So, those 400+ gorgeous bracelets I had so diligently stocked the shop with for the gifting season now sit in a corner, homeless and dejected. It has cost me a huge loss in sales and traffic. I have not had the time to find another venue to sell them on, and it requires too much money and time to start up my own e-commerce website/domain, so I will probably just list them on ebay and hope to recover the cost of what I paid for them. Meanwhile, there are many other shops on Etsy (all with locations in China I might add), selling the same exact bracelets, and who are being allowed to do so. So, I can only interpret this to mean Etsy has double, unfair standards. I have corresponded with Etsy many times about this and they have never given me an answer as to why they allow some shops to sell these bracelets, but not others.
This is the same thing that happened with how I was listing Pandora style jewelry all over again. That was almost a year ago and to this day there are literally dozens of shops using the terminology "pandora" in their listings and being allowed to do so. Why is this important? Because when you search for "pandora" my listings will be way at the bottom on page 400 something where you will never look, and so you will never see my listings. You will only see the shops who use "pandora" in their titles because they will be listed long before my shop is. Again, this is a clear cut case of favoritism.
But anywho, enough disgruntling background - I have found a way to sell leather again. Announcing REGALIZE GREEK LICORICE LEATHER BRACELETS!!!
I will let you know when they are made and listed in the shop. Think of these as something new for 2013!! You should start to see them in January/February, depending on how busy the shop is. Also, don't forget, everything on my shop is on sale for 20% or more - time to get out your coupons and spend that holiday loot you got (and btw, I am now accepting gift cards!! woot!!) and get yourself that bracelet you've had your eye on.
That's it for now, except for my wishes to all of you for Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! I hope you have multitudes of warm and fuzzy holiday moments, eat all kinds of yummylicious food, and receive all the things you've been wishing for. *hugs and big smiles*
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