Wow!!! Another new post so soon after the last! lol!! Please forgive my misguided and sarcastic sense of humor. *blush*
Once upon a time, many moons ago, I had an Artfire shop, but ArtFire was so new at the time that I really didn't have enough sales to justify keeping it open, so I closed up shop there. I've decided to give ArtFire another go as they are now more established. So, you can now also purchase from me on ArtFire.
I am hoping this will be a lucrative and successful venture. Etsy is probably the largest online venue for selling handmade goods, and I am well established there BUT Etsy also does very, very little for the seller besides harassing them, has an outdated clunker pain in the ass of a administration panel and charges A HELL OF A LOT of fees - I am currently billed approximately $4000 a year in fees from Etsy, and that's just way too much.
Needless to say, I am unhappy selling there. So I am hoping I can move my shop over to ArtFire and close my shop on Etsy- this will allow me to reduce my current shipping costs (which include fees and packaging costs on Etsy so you don't get charged fees on fees) to a normal charge of $1.69 for a 3 oz package - and in doing so I can pass on the savings on to you, my customers. Not only that, but fees on ArtFire are only $30.00 a month period - NO transaction fees, NO item fees, NO checkout fees. That's $360 a year -- a HUGE difference from $4000!!!!!!! This is a win-win venture, you save and I save, so please pretty please support it by purchasing my goods from my ArtFire studio in the future.
You will need to go to and set up a buyers account which is free, then do a search on egrobeck. If you already have an account with ArtFire then just login to ArtFire and do a search for egrobeck and that should take you to my shop listings. Right now I have 5 pages of items listed, but I will be adding more and more as each day passes until all my750+ items are listed.
I've also added an ArtFire badge to this blog - look for it in the right side column.