So, lucky me! I have an art retreat coming up next week on the 4th of October. I will be
going to my most favorite OF ALL retreats, Art Is You, in Stamford,
Ct, and I will be away from the shop from Oct 3rd to Oct 7th. Since it is only for a few days
I am going to leave the shop open so you can place an order, but I will not be shipping orders until I return.
OK! Onto the
next order of business! I am due to share some heartfelt thank you's, as is my
custom. I do this because I sincerely do appreciate your support. I may be the
heart of my shop but you, my wonderful customers, are its life blood. My shop
would not be open if it weren't for your continued support - I thank you
all from the bottom of my very grateful heart.
Important also
are those fellow Etsian's who so kindly add my shop items to their wonderful
treasuries. thank you all for the free advertising, it is muchly appreciated ,
and I would like to mention and link this blog entry to those treasuries in the
hopes it will bring you sales.
And to everyone
who chances to read this, please take a moment to check out the links
I've listed below - looking at treasuries is an excellent way to get gifting ideas, and pretty soon the gifting
season will be upon us! Isn't it better to get a head start now and avoid the
crowded, hot, germ infested malls? Not to mention all the crazies on the road!
Shop now, put it away, and spend more time with your family in the warmth and
safety of your home this November and December!!!!
Mummy...where are you??? by Jayne,
Autumnal equinox by Mary
Weddings by Tatiana,
Life of a Gypsy by Gillian Sarah
Do You Believe In Ghosts?????? by taffyandcinnamons
My Love of Lamp Work Earrings by Sherri McCurdy,
on the mountain top by Sarah
Autumn is in the air! by Tina
Men and Leather by putonthespot
and a new shop
y from Cookalas House of Cards!
y Shopping!!!